The anatomy in the legs of the Annunakis is very particular.
On one side they look like an Olympian. But at the same moment something seems to be not in place, or in the wrong place. The artists to sculpt these works are wrong not by a hair. For some reason there are marked some muscles so exaggerated or as an X-ray anatomy of the bones.
If so would be an unknown form of bones here in our world.
The movement would be something different and the curved shape of the bones seems to me that there is much gravity to hold for this both legs, but more a lateral force, like walking into a river with strong eddies and rapids. You have to know that ANNUNAKIS were not gods themselves, were representatives of the gods. They were close personal to the gods, but had to work on the ground with the help of some technological devices, but it at least was work.
To accommodate their stay on earth they transformed and adapted this life on earth so they can be useful in the shared work.
Gradually assumed the man, the Sumerians, all this work done before by the Annunakis.
An analysis of the anatomy of the gods would be a very beautiful testimony of life and alien visitations.
Greetings Josef Bauer